Fitness Tips

Walk Your Way To Health

A walking program is simple to start. All you need are comfortable clothes and shoes. Layer loose clothing, keeping in mind that exercise elevates the body's temperature. Shoes specifically designed for walking are best.

Look for these eight features when purchasing walking shoes:

  • Uppers of a high quality, breathable materials, such as leather.
  • Comfortable padded heel collar.
  • Substantial arch supports.
  • Entire sole should be designed to absorb shock.
  • A rocker profile sole enhances a smooth heel-to-toe motion.
  • Firm heel counter (that cups the heel) to provide stability for the entire foot and leg.
  • Heel should be held in shoe, well-cushioned and supported, somewhat higher than rest of the foot.
  • The toe box should allow ample room and toes should not be tight against any part of the shoe.

Every workout should begin with a gently active warm-up and a few simple stretches. Although walking primarily works the major muscles of the legs, don't forget to stretch your back, shoulders, and arms. This will help loosen up any tension you may have and make your walk more enjoyable as well as more effective.

Walking is one fitness activity that allows you numerous options. Once you have reached a point at which you can walk a few miles with relative ease, you can start to vary the intensity. At this stage, you might want to evaluate your aerobic or cardiorespiratory fitness level by walking one mile as fast as you can.