Insurance Requirements

Automated Proof of Insurance

Insurance Companies now report liability coverage and cancellation electronically by Vehicle Identification Number. Fines and penalties apply for lapses in coverage. If you sell a vehicle and plan to replace it, consider keeping your insurance until you register your vehicle with your old tag. If not replacing soon, turn in the tag or cancel the registration with the Tag Office before you cancel your insurance. Affidavit MV-18J can be printed at our website, or provided by mail or fax, and returned by mail or in person.

Printed Proof of Insurance

Printed proof of insurance is acceptable only in the following cases: (1) for new policies, a written binder is valid proof for 30 days after issuance; (2) for vehicle purchases, the existing declaration page is valid proof for 30 days after purchase date; (3) an insurance card is sufficient proof of insurance only for vehicles covered under a fleet or self-insurance program.