Comprehensive Land Use Plan

A Comprehensive Plan establishes a clear vision of the kind of place a community wants to be in the future, and provides a course of action to create this shared vision. The plans, created by community residents, property owners and business owners with the assistance of the staff of the County and each municipality, serve as a policy guide on how the County and each community is to develop over time. They provide a strategy for dealing with the County’s future growth and development. The purpose of planning and community development is to provide guidance for everyday decision-making by local government officials and other community leaders. This document represents the culmination of the efforts to plan for the future well-being of the government, residents and various stakeholders by identifying the critical, consensus issues and goals for Banks County. Implementing the plan will help the community address those critical issues and opportunities while moving towards realization of the unique vision for its future. In November 2018, the Banks County Board of Commissioners adopted the Banks County Comprehensive Plan Update 2018-2028 and in 2023, that plan was reviewed and updated to the most current vision for the County.